Saturday, April 27, 2013

4 Months Later...

After 4 Months of inactivity!!!!! I am finally back! x) Sorry for the long wait! I am truly back though and the feeling of blogging has never stopped me. I kept looking back at my blog and going, I should go back to it. I never got around to it because of school and juggling my studies and exercise and free-time, alas the free-time has ended so I am back to doing little to nothing with it x) enough about my personal life though! I am going to be continuing this blog posting less frequently than every day, but I will be posting so expect huge posts whenever I do post aside from today.
I won't be posting much, but I will be playing every day or how about I post every other day? Tell me your thoughts in the comments below :)

I decided to start up this blog again because of New Leaf coming along and someone inspired me to do so! If we ever play online I will mention him. Anyway! Onward to my day on acww!!!

Ew Weeds
As you may have expected I started my day at night. After four months of not playing look at all those weeds! I believe we had some new members in our town, but I didn't check! I will check tomorrow. I know it doesn't seem like a lot, but I tried picking them out one by one... I decided I needed lots of help from others! This series will be going into Wi-Fi in a few days. If you would like to join please comment down below or contact me!

I walked to my mailbox expecting a full box with mail all over the place...
Unfortunately all I received was... Two letters. None were from my mom :'( that monster! She couldn't have at least sent like a, here's your 10,000 bells for the end of the year?!?!
She was just being self cautious with her money. The letters however,
One from the HRA... 355 points, I believe I have improved! A bit. :)
Deena!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why!!!! Why did you have to go without saying goodbye in person? I don't remember Deena being in our town? I guess she was and barely left a couple days ago. Oh well. There are more fish in the sea. Go be not so normal! Shoo!

Filthy weeds are all over my town! I must have picked up about... 50 before I got bored and went to Nooks.

I had forgotten that I paid off my house last time I played and Nook offered me a new and improved house. Of course I took the offer. I need a bigger house! Now back to being in debt right...

I decided to stop by the bulletin and check out what was going on this week. Or as kids here say, "what was going down". I came across these two posts. The message of the week is really discouraging it makes you think well might as well not stop unless I want to work as a carnie!!! As for the talking to himself. My interpretation is that he wore glasses and liked to read books so people called him a librarian. That or he knew the library by heart!

Kids can be so cruel though, just the other day I was called ugly by a little kid -.- My cousins can be so cruel as well.

I noticed this after, The fishing tourney begins tomorrow! I don't know if I have a rod, but I believe I do! If I do, I'm entering this!!! Hopefully I win the Gold trophy so I can show off.

To end my day I decided to go to the Able Sisters shop and see what they were selling this wig was definitely intriguing. I wondered if I should buy it. It really fit my 'bad boy' style. I decided against the Idea though.

I hope you guys enjoyed this blog post! If you want to see more make sure to visit: My Blog
There will be major changes coming soon to the layout. Changes I believe you guys will enjoy! ^.^ it will make this blog a little more appealing to the eye. Have a Great Day!

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