Friday, November 30, 2012



I intended to update this blog every day, but I'm having issues on my computer >.< the Internet keeps disconnecting on it's own and it just goes real slow. So I decided to run a virus scan and let's see what I find :P If it's nothing then I guess I have to give up and restart it all to factory settings! On a side note I did donate blood today! Pictures will be up soon on instagram I encourage you guys to come check them out! This will be more of an update really. I will be getting my Friend Code real soon ;) just so you guys can come hang out with me and I'll hang out with you guys, my town is not amazing or anything, but I will work on it I'm trying to get settled down before I actually venture out into fixing the town! I've also been learning some more HTML to make things more intresting and eye popping! For example

Well I hope you all have a good night and let's hope I don't find anything wrong on my computer :P I'll come back with a acww update tomorrow! Let's see who came and who left. Oh and Filbert should be settled in now! Goodbye! 

If you want to keep following my acww blog click here
If you want to take a look at my game review blog click here 
Take a look at my Instagram 

Thursday, November 29, 2012



I was afraid to say it, but today I found my first two weeds in Retro :( I did pick them out for those of you who are wondering. Anyway, onward to tonight's highlights.

9:48 p.m.
 As you can see I started pretty late again. I need to start playing earlier in the day. Night time just seems like more of the scary period.

She wants to play with me!
 First things first, I went to talk to Alli (I'm still working on becoming friends with her), she seemed quite friendly not snobby actually. I wonder why o.O She wasn't very interesting though. Boredom quickly overcame our conversation so I continued on with my gameplay and went to Nook's Cranny in search of a shovel or a net.

What do you know he really had a shovel I was happy I can finally go fossil and gyroid hunting! He also happened to mention the Happy Room Academy. They are the people who ramsack your house and then give you points on how the interior design looks. I'm not going to lie I usually win every time ;)

Money Rock
The ultimate secret to any Animal Crossing game when trying to earn money to start off. The Money Rock! I found it on my third try at hitting rocks and I couldn't help, but notice the new house on the left. Could it be we have a new animal in town?! I just happened to see Jay as I wrote this :P I believe he was talking to Chief then came back all giggly and flowery... Could they... No... Maybe?

Besides that, I went to explore the new house and found this little guy. Filbert. He seems like an OK guy at the moment not too shabby. Except he hasn't gotten settled in yet so I will check back with him tomorrow to see if all of his boxes are gone and some furniture to take is in!

Filbert's Background:
  • Squirrel
  • Lazy
  • Laid-back/easy to get along with
  • Birthday: June 3
It seems as though me and Filbert have the same style of personality. Lazy and laid-back :D

My First Fossil
YES! I dug up my first fossil near Chief's house. It was kind of hard to find and I was actually about to give up and then I happen to see this star thing rising from the ground. After the fossil hunt I decided to take a nice relaxing walk on the beach collecting seashells.

 I did in fact sell the seashells, but not on the seashore. It would be pretty cool to have Nook's near the shore though. Then this statement would be true...

I've noticed that Nook is a ripoff he only have me 1,400 bells for all of that. I think I deserved at least 3000. Labor counts too, I just gave that Raccoon more merchandise to sell.

Enough about Nook we take a look at the Cafe in the picture above one of my favorite characters in the game has to be Brewster. He's a master chef in the coffee making business! I was at the Museum because I checked my fossil and then donated it if I recall correctly it was a "Pachy torso". I drank the delicious, but bitter coffee and went back to my house and into bed.

I know this wasn't real interesting, but if you read it all congrats! I hope you enjoyed it and I hope to see you back here again either tomorrow or the day after I will try not to update this blog too much from how long it goes when I do. Anyway have a good rest of the day/night!

If you want to see more of my blog click here

If you want to check out my Video Game review blog click here

If you want to know where I got the background information for Filbert click here

Have a good day :)


Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Night of The First Day

Night of a New Day

 Today started my first day of Animal Crossing: Wild World, Obviously this game has been out for a while, but I decided to start fresh. So let's get started on this adventure!

The Kapp'n greeted me

 What started off as a friendly conversation soon turned into a series of questions it was kind of fun listening to him once again, although I really liked his singing from the original AC for Gamecube.

My Town Map
 If you didn't already catch on with this picture, my new town's name is Retro. It's going to be my main town and for some reason looking back into it, the map seems smaller now with only 3 starting animals. I will talk about them as I continue my adventure. I got this soon after I got off of the cab.

Are you serious?!
Reality hit me, when Tom Nook got all flowery as soon as he mentioned the price of the tiny... shack? That I am going to live in. 19,800 Bells o.O How long will I take to pay that debt off let alone the ones that come next yikes!! For some reason I'm starting to think Nook only invites us to the town for money. *sniff* Mr. Krabs.

I found this intriguing how Nook puts us to work as a Gardener first before a delivery guy :P I made his shop look pretty though didn't I?!

After the whole Gardening business I moved on to meet my town folk (in order of the town map) first came Alli. She's an Alligator I get her name now. I just got it as I was writing down this blog post Alli = shortened version of Alligator *sigh* I feel lame.

Alli's Background:
  • Appeared on every single Animal Crossing game up to date
  • Snooty/Snobby personality
  • Can be rude and Obnoxious at first
  • She then warms up to the player, but still keeping a little bit of rudeness in her speech
  • Birthday: November 8
If you ask me, she kind of sounds like an Independent Woman.

 Back to the Point though I think I may try to warm up to Alli and see if I can become good friends with her :)

Jay was next on the list and thankfully he was in his home and I did not have to venture out to look for him!

Jay's Background:
  • Blue Jay bird
  • Jock Personality
  • Likes sports and fitness
  • Birthday: July 17

That may explain why he asked if I wanted to be a member of his club. He then proceeded to ask for my birthday.

Thanksgiving baby
As you can see, my birthday passed :/ so I guess I'll have to wait a year to get my birthday cake! Happy belated birthday to me!


 Last, but not least came Chief. He has actually been one of my favorite characters in the game from the start. Him and Stitches are my two favorite animals.

Chief's Background:
  • Cranky Villager
  • Likes to Fish
  • Likes Gardening
  • Thinks Shopping for clothes is "lame"
  • Birthday: December 19
Not Quite
For the sake of not stretching the Blog too much I will get right to the point. After talking with Chief I went back to Nook's and he made me deliver some stuff and the other usual work I finished off with writing on the bulletin saying "Tom Nook likes money". I then was brought to this screen saying I was FREE. Not quite I'm still in Debt for 18,000 bells :/

I went on with my night and caught two fish and a tire. I gave the fish to the Museum, bought a Coffee and concluded my day with a save.

I hope you enjoyed the blog if you read through it all congratulations. The next ones won't be quite as long as this one, I just did a lot in a short period of time.

Check out more of my blog here

 If you want to check out the website where I got the insight on the trio click here. Thanks again and I hope you join me next time!