Friday, November 30, 2012



I intended to update this blog every day, but I'm having issues on my computer >.< the Internet keeps disconnecting on it's own and it just goes real slow. So I decided to run a virus scan and let's see what I find :P If it's nothing then I guess I have to give up and restart it all to factory settings! On a side note I did donate blood today! Pictures will be up soon on instagram I encourage you guys to come check them out! This will be more of an update really. I will be getting my Friend Code real soon ;) just so you guys can come hang out with me and I'll hang out with you guys, my town is not amazing or anything, but I will work on it I'm trying to get settled down before I actually venture out into fixing the town! I've also been learning some more HTML to make things more intresting and eye popping! For example

Well I hope you all have a good night and let's hope I don't find anything wrong on my computer :P I'll come back with a acww update tomorrow! Let's see who came and who left. Oh and Filbert should be settled in now! Goodbye! 

If you want to keep following my acww blog click here
If you want to take a look at my game review blog click here 
Take a look at my Instagram 

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